God’s Got This, Part 3

Psalm 146

“We’re just SO busy.” Fortunately we serve and worship a God who is never too busy for us. A God who is never uninterested in even the smallest, most minute detail of our lives. A God who mourns and grieves along with us. A God who longs for our time and attention in the midst of our busy-ness.   

Hear this good news. Psalm 146 assures us that God’s got this, and that our trust should be placed only in God, for He stays true and remains faithful to us forever. It says that genuine happiness comes from depending on God, something my friend, and oftentimes us, have forgotten.

The psalmist praises God who works justice for those who are pressed down by the world; that God’s work of justice is aimed particularly at setting things right for the mistreated, like providing food for those who are hungry, or in my friends case, providing new friends who long to help serve her.   

My friend was married to a brilliant man. A man with a mental illness, but a brilliant man nevertheless. He wrestled with many demons in his lifetime, and ultimately lost the battle. Apparently he had grown weary of the fight.  

Unfortunately, his choices scarred many people along the way, not the least of whom were his family, which helped lead the way down this path that my friend found herself in on Thursday, May 12. But God, when she reached out to Him, gave sight to her grief-filled, blinded busy eyes, as only God can do.  

Take a look at your own life. Examine it. Your struggles may not be the same as my friends, but are you just as stressed out by work, duty, responsibilities? If so, I’m not here to lay anything heavy on you. I’m not here to make you feel guilty. Just know that God lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor. He is here to catch you when you fall and even when you collapse from exhaustion. I know.  

The Eternal will be in charge today, tomorrow, and forever. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord! God’s got this.  

God's Got This